Main Features of Bit Anti-Association Fingerprint Browser

Time: 2023-04-04 11:25 Author: 指纹浏览器管理员 Click:


Bit anti-association fingerprint browser can generate multiple unique fingerprint browsers, each browser is a different hardware device, and the browsers are physically separated from each other.

Bit anti-association fingerprint browser can assign a fixed static IP address to each browser to realize multi-platform and multi-account login of global websites. This way, each configured browser is the target country's device hardware.

Let me introduce its main features below.

1. Multi-account management:

Manage network accounts in batches, support cookie import/export, account login-free, multi-person sharing and collaboration.

2. Multi-account anti-association:

The configuration environment of each browser is independent. Each browser's cookies, local storage and other cache files are completely separate. Browser profile information is not leaked to prevent web accounts from being linked due to the same browser fingerprint.

3. Browser fingerprint simulation:

Utilize virtual hardware fingerprint information of various devices: IP information, time zone, CPU, browser UA, system font, graphics card, display resolution, sound card, computer name, MAC address, etc. Bit fingerprint browser supports batch registration, batch login, batch multi-account maintenance and other operations.

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