As a cutting-edge traffic platform, LinkedIn has demonstrated unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in targeting specific audiences. Below, we’ll dive into six of the best strategies and techniques to help you capture the attention of potential customers with LinkedIn ads.
1. Understand platform characteristics and adjust advertising strategies
When working with the LinkedIn platform, the key is to understand the unique aspects of how it works and avoid using calls to action that don’t align with what LinkedIn users are used to, especially under the hood of conversion ads. Instead, focus on the top and middle of your ad, and attract users' interest by providing valuable content such as industry reports, infographics, etc. Rather than directly asking to fill out a contact form, you can do this in several ways: attract customers:
- Industry Reports
- information chart
– Cost calculator
—Subscribe to the newsletter
—Event information
2. Continuous remarketing to consolidate user connections
After successfully attracting users, don’t ignore the importance of remarketing. Use the various retargeting tools provided by LinkedIn to develop personalized remarketing strategies based on users’ interactive behaviors. Continuously keep in touch with users through email push, targeted advertising, etc. to ensure that they always stay in touch with you during the purchase decision-making process.
But on the other hand, as an advertising platform, LinkedIn is quite expensive, so you need to think about how to direct these users to other places. People who come to your site from LinkedIn can also perform a Google search, follow their friends and family on Facebook or Instagram, and even watch YouTube videos. So why not reach these valuable LinkedIn users on other platforms?
All you have to do is create a remarketing list that contains just your LinkedIn visitors or them and other users, so you’re well-prepared for the next stage of your sales process.
3. Cross-level positioning to cover a wide audience
On LinkedIn, you need to focus on potential customers at different positions and levels. Identify all the key people who might be interested in your product by gaining an in-depth understanding of the target company's organizational structure. Create a personalized strategy for each individual to ensure your ads reach every key decision-maker within your company.
4. Test different strategies and find the best model
Don’t be afraid to try different lead generation methods. Whether it's directing users to a landing page or creating a website remarketing list, each has its own unique advantages. Through continuous testing and optimization, find the strategy that best suits your industry and target customers to get the greatest return on your advertising investment.
5. Creativity driven, using advertising formats
LinkedIn provides a variety of advertising formats, such as documented announcements, conversational ads, and text ads. Take advantage of these ad formats to showcase your brand and products in creative ways that capture users' attention and inspire them to buy.
①.Conversational advertising
Rather than just sending someone a cold email, why not start a conversation, let them choose their response, and then you can customize the message to that user based on that response? Conversational advertising is the best way to engage users and make sales A great way to get to know them at that stage and help them qualify so you know how to develop them further.
②.Document advertising
With LinkedIn Document Ads, you can serve specific documents as ads and even preview them in users' feeds before downloading them.
③.Text advertising
Many people are disgusted with text ads, mainly because their click-through rate is really low and they don’t bring much traffic. But even so, every sale is very important, so why not use those ads with high prices? One of the platforms that uses this extremely cheap form of advertising to reach a highly relevant audience that you know is there. If you plan to run your LinkedIn remarketing campaign directly on the platform, text ads are a great solution.
6. Manual bidding to optimize advertising costs
When creating a LinkedIn campaign, avoid using the automatic bidding option directly. Instead, use a manual bidding strategy that starts with the lowest price LinkedIn allows and gradually adjusts your bids to find the best balance. This way, you can reduce your cost-per-click and achieve a higher ROI while ensuring your ads reach the same users.
LinkedIn is an advertising platform full of opportunities and challenges. By gaining a deep understanding of how it works, developing a personalized strategy, taking advantage of ad formats, manual bidding, and more, you'll be able to succeed on LinkedIn and achieve your marketing goals. Many people will choose to use multiple LinkedIn accounts for advertising activities, which can help them spread their risks and avoid problems with a single account, which will prevent advertising activities from continuing. Even if they do not conduct advertising activities, using multiple LinkedIn accounts can help You can better distinguish between personal accounts and business accounts, but using multiple accounts will lead to the risk of related bans. How to solve the problem? You can use BitBrowser.
BitBrowser is very different from traditional browsers. Generally speaking, BitBrowser is a tool that can create a unique browser fingerprint for each browsing session. The so-called browser fingerprint is a summary of information that a website can collect through our browser settings and data, covering IP address, user agent (User-Agent), fonts, plug-ins, etc. This information can almost uniquely identify users. Identify and track your online behavior. This feature of traditional browsers may, to some extent, allow the correlation between accounts to be detected. Especially when opening multiple LinkedIn accounts, this correlation may lead to the risk of account bans.

However, BitBrowser successfully avoids the correlation between accounts by creating a unique fingerprint for each browsing session, which just solves the problem of multi-account marketers in preventing account correlation leading to account suspension. Whenever we use BitBrowser When you operate a LinkedIn account, it creates a new and independent browser environment. This means that each account seems to be running on a different device and network, thereby reducing the risk of account association due to device information or network activities, protecting the security of each account, and the complete policy can be accessed from BitBrowser This article:
Easily manage multiple LinkedIn accounts (2024 latest version).
Remember, social media is an ever-changing environment, and an effective content strategy needs to be able to adapt quickly to these changes. Continuously monitor the performance of your content and flexibly adjust your strategies based on the latest trends and audience feedback. At the same time, use the
BitBrowser multi-account plan to carry out multiple advertising plans at the same time to increase your advertising audience coverage and allow you to carry out advertising campaigns at any time. Better results.