How to properly set up a virtual fingerprint browser to prevent account linking

Time: 2023-09-01 18:03 Author: BitBrowser Click:
With the continuous development of e-commerce platforms and social media, more and more people use multiple accounts for marketing and management. However, such behaviors are often identified as malicious operations by the platform, which will lead to the banning or linking of accounts, which brings great harm to users. To the loss, the appearance of the virtual fingerprint browser is to solve this problem.
Bit virtual fingerprint browser is an anti-association browser, which allows users to use multiple accounts on one computer at the same time without being identified as the same person by the website. Its core technology uses proxy IP and browser fingerprint technology to make each Each account has an independent IP address and browser fingerprint to avoid association with any website.
Of course, using a fingerprint browser does not guarantee that your account will not be linked. The fingerprint browser can avoid risks in browser association and solve user problems. However, some of these are only noticed by the users themselves.
When using and configuring BitVirtual Fingerprint Browser, you must ensure that your IP, account, and browser configuration file are unique and one-to-one correspondence, so each platform account consists of a proxy IP and a browser configuration file, you cannot Open multiple browsers or log in to multiple accounts from the same IP. One platform account can only log in to one IP and one browser. If the account is abnormally unavailable, the corresponding IP and browser will also be unavailable. Accounts have separate login environments and account association is prevented.
 virtual browser
In addition to anti-association, Bit Virtual Fingerprint Browser also has the following advantages:
1. Multiple browsers can run at the same time, allowing users to log in to multiple accounts on the same computer at the same time, which is very useful for the management and marketing of multiple accounts.
2. Supports multiple operating systems and browsers, including Windows, MacOS and other systems.
3. Provides rich browser configuration options, including proxy settings, UA settings, cookie settings, etc.
To sum up, BitVirtual Fingerprint Browser is a powerful and easy-to-use browser anti-association software. As long as you set up and use it correctly, it can effectively prevent account association and protect the security of your cross-border business.